I always ramble on about skincare on the blog, and the happy skin tag was something I'd seen around and thought 'yes! I must do that', so I'm only now getting round to it! Any excuse to talk about skincare really...There are about 11 questions so I'll try to make it short and sweet.
1. How would you best describe your skin?
My skin is overall dry/ combination, I can get oily down my T zone in the summer and it tends to be pretty dehydrated all year round. I've never had major problems with acne and I love anything that's going to add a glow back into my skin.
2. What are your main skincare concerns?
My main skincare concern is how dehydrated and dull my skin looks, especially halfway through the day. If I don't use a good moisturiser in the morning my skin looks tired and blotchy after a few hours and my makeup no longer ends up looking good on my skin. If anyone has dealt with this and has a miracle product to help please let me know down below!
3. What's the weirdest natural ingredient you have used in your skincare routine?
As far as products go I can't think of any that have shocked me when I look through the ingredient list. I've done a couple of homemade oat-y banana type masks so I would have to say those.
4. How do you define happiness?
I think everyone has a different answer to this in relation to what makes them happy so it's hard to define that. For me it's doing things I love with the people I love and trying not to worry about everything as it's never going to change the outcome of a situation. And it's ok to have those YOLO, spontaneous moments as those can end up being the best, so just say yes to everything and anything you can to get the most out of life.
5. Describe your skincare routine in 5 words.
Quick, minimal, hydrating, makeup wipe free and gentle. That was technically 7 but hay!
6. Tell us your top skincare tip.
Try to keep eye creams in the fridge so when it comes to applying them in the morning they're even more cooling and will really help combat tired eyes.
7. What makes you laugh everyday?
My dogs and boyfriend as they're always doing cute funny things which make me giggle, even if it's not intentional.
8. What steals your skins natural radiance?
Lack of water, I'm trying to drink more I promise!
9. What are your top tips for healthy, glowing skin?
Feeding your skin from the inside is super important and loading your body up with bad fats and carbs will only result in acne and lack lustre skin. Juicy fruits and veg and of course plenty of water will in turn make your skin look healthier and clearer as well as making you feel better on the inside. If you feel like you've started to get acne change your diet first to see what difference it makes before going into a more technical skincare based route, you'll be surpised!
10. What's your skincare 101?
Invest in a good serum. You can get so many for so many different skin concerns and from my experience serums and oils are the one thing in my routine which I feel like make a dramatic visible difference. Don't be afraid to splash the cash a little here as normally they will last months and months and are well worth it.
11. What is your happy place?
To be honest, in bed with Youtube or Netflix...I also love going out for meals with family and friends, I think it's so nice to be surrounded by good food and company for a few hours and forget any bad things going on and just enjoy and nice meal.
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