Wrapping presents is something I never look forward to when it comes to Christmas...I'm a horrible wrapper, but I am determined to get better, or at least disguise the fact I can't wrap a present to save my life. If you're like me, here are a few tips to get you through...
Vary your decorations
I find that if I use the same paper with the same bows and gift tags, I get bored super quickly and just want to stop after about three presents. Variety is great in all aspects of life, it keeps things interesting and you can treat each present like another little wrapping project.
I never thought to use little baubles or bits off the Christmas Tree (sorry dad) to help wrap, but I absolutely love how it turned out, very Pinterest! I love these baubles from Paperchase as they have loads of different coloured stars held inside, so they will go with loads of different wrapping papers. I also wanted to use string as appose to normal ribbon, as it's a lot more student friendly money wise, and it goes perfectly with the paper I chose.
Choose a wrapping theme
I do this every year and it just helps when mixing and matching your paper and ribbons. This year I wanted to go for a slightly rustic theme, so brown paper with simple patterns, string, then some complimentary gift tags and other little bits. I wanted to keep the colours simple, with white, gold and red, then of course the baubles add the perfect pop of colour.
Pick your presents wisely
I know that buying gifts is already a daunting task, so picking out certain gifts which are easy to wrap doesn't leave you much to chose from. If you find you do have some awkward little jars, bottles or anything like that, think about making a little hamper with them instead of wrapping them all separately. For my boyfriends parents I picked them up some mini jams - with a hard to wrap spoon attached to the side - and some chocolates. I decided to pick up a cute little Christmas box, line it with tissue paper and lay everything inside. So don't feel like you have to wrap everything.
Don't rush
Easier said then done I know. I was lucky that I did most of my Christmas shopping in November so I had loads of time to make sure I wrapped them with care and didn't rush. I find whenever I leave myself one evening to wrap everything, nothing ever goes right. The paper rips, I run out of gift tags, etc etc. Even if it's just the week before Christmas and you wrap a few presents a night, it will a lot more relaxing and a less daunting task.
Know your wrapping strengths
For me, I'm pants and the actual wrapping part. I always have too much paper or too little and it looks crap when I don't add any extra bits. If you're the same, then go all out on the decorations, ribbons and gift tags to detract from the bad wrapping. Trust me it works! If you find you're not good at finding ribbon, gift tags ect that you like or you think will good nice together, but your wrapping is above average, get a really fun wrapping paper with loads of colours and prints and then stick to one colour for everything else.
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